Session 028
Everyone hears Fionnlagh speaking to them through an iron door, but then silence… There is a loud sound above the ship ringing through the ice.
Fionns hears echoing through the ship. His possed body isnt able to pick the lock. He does hear three people land behind him in the corridor. Morn sees a key fall down and Nildar Sunblight screams “they are here!”. Morn calls out to Fionn “Is everything alright?” Fionn answers everything is alright “Everything is fine keep going!” as ‘he’ tries to get rid of the strange intruders. Morn doesnt trust it and decides to ice over the door. Jar commands Vyth to give every ally bonus hitspoints. Jar readies himself to shoot whomever breaks through an opening. There is more noise and a lot of cracking of the ice. Chaos hits her head on her axe whilst trying to ready herself. Spark asks Morn if they can unwrong Fionn, before the thing above hits. Chaos hears the them talking and tries to command the thing possesing Fionn to leave, it didnt work. Spark tries to do the same in name of Gond. It worked! Fionn is back in control and hides in the chest.
There is two people coming into the room Fionn is in. A voice goes around “Who disturbes me?” and then the third person comes in. Morn sees direcly above the ship claws pulling apart the rip in the ice. Arcturus and Chaos get thrown over as a block of ice comes down. It seems to be an enormous bird, partly covered in snow. Jar gives Chaos a flaming arrouw and tells her to shoot the bird and readies a spell to fire after. The arrow flies and fireworks spark from it because of the spell. The bird screams and goes back to trying to rip into the ice. Morn calls down lightning to the bird, it doesn´t hit straight on, but does do some damage.
Spark casts lightning bold. Arcturus is a little confused but also sends magic up to the bird. Next to Fionn a young lady in her 20s dreads, with wood woven into her hair, a wooden staff and a blue flame. Behind her a goliath with grey skin and slightly furry with an axe and a third person is the one who screams. In front of him a spooky looking woman, long black hair, dressed in the same clothes as Arcturus who gets into his face. As he does so his hair turns with and he seems to age a lot.
Morn readies a spell and takes cover. Jar asks the others if he needs to get everyone out. Morn declines because Fionn isn´t with them. He decides to attack the bird, misses and damages the ice further. The birds head (2m) comes down to the crack. Flaming blue eyes, little teeth lining the beak. His feathers are frozen white. Nildar, Chaos and Jar get frightend.
Chaos asks Nildar to open the door. He does and a flaming blue ball gets hurled throught the door and misses. The frightnend man takes out a natural looking branch/wand. They say in unisence “We are here for the finder of the Frost Maiden” Chaos decides to attack as she doesn´t see Fionn, but does see the ghost. Chaos rages and attacks the frightnend man. The man screams scared, surrounded by scary ladies.
The bird ripes further in the ice and the ship tilts, a lot of people fall over. Spark runs is the room behind him lighting up with fire. Arcturus decides to go in and casts a firebolt. The goliath seems extra effected.
Fionn jumps out of the shadow and hits the goliath with a flurry of blows. The guy seems surprised and angry and turns into a Polarbear. He hits Fionn, he dodges the first but the second hits. One of the druids sends out an ice storm everyone but Fionn gets hit and the cold resistance shields help with part of the damage.
Morn lost his concentration on his spell. The bird is 15 ft above us and still coming. Morn casts shatter at the bird, the ice around it breaks and the bird, a Rok, comes down further.
Jar breaths fire over the druid and the werebear “Aurals feather will take you all the rok is with us”. The Roc rips further into the ice. The whole craft tilts and starts to slide out of the ice. The Roc gets on our level and peaks through the window.
Chaos slices through the old scared druid (who was 30 when the fight started) and takes ice damage after he dies taking revenge for the Frost Maiden with his lasts words.
Arcturus uses cone of cold against the Roc, it is covered in snow and icecles.
Chaos slashes the werebear but her axe glances off. Fionn does another four blows at the wearbear. Then he feels the planes shift a little and the ghost gets through again. Fionn gets frightend and turns a decade older, and is 29 now and has a little moustache “All I seek is knowledge gets kill some druids”
The female druid then says “Sorry to invoke this herracy of the moon” and sends out a moonbeam.
Fionn gets hooked by the werebears axe and then pulled to him. He gets bitten by the werebear. His blood suddenly feels hotter than before and he passes out.
Morn gets a face full of bird breath, covered with snow and it smells old and bad.
Jar shoots at the werebear. He hits but the bullets pop out and he starts to look better. The roc rams it face into the ship and the ship fully slides out of the ice. Everyone takes damage and Fionn seems even closer to death. The ships hits the water. It is waterthight but there is a hole in the window.
Morn takes damage from the roc attacking through the window and gets a scar across his cheek. Morn attacks back with The roc has a 200 ft wingspan.
Chaos cures Fionnlaghs wounds and then vicciously mocks the werebear.
Spark uses radiant smythe on the prone female druid chest. There is all red flames dancing around, she keeps her concentration. “night has fallen and the time of the frost maiden is upon us.¨ Her moonbeam hits Arcturus again, who falls unconsious.
Fionn gets up from the dead and one punches the werebear to death and then whales on the female druid. The ghost, Nass Lantomir, gives here a little touch and the druid dies. Her lost words “I am so happy live to see night fall”
Jar casts his rope trick to his secret place and commands Vyth to heal up all the allies.
The roc flies over the ship and with his claws. He flies up 60 ft and the entrance to the rope place is now no longer accesible still down where the place used to be.
Chaos asked the ghost lady for help. She says “I am not a rune mage, I can go down, myself”
Everyone runs to the window and jumps out. Chaos and Spark jump into the water. Arcturus and Morn jump out together and fall on the floating disk. Fionn jumps after them on the disk.
The roc flies away with the ship and lets it fall from 300 ft.
Everyone warms up by the fireplace. Jar offers Kobolt brews. Nass takes him up on his offer. Morn get scared a lot by Nass. Arcturus says “Nass I can´t believe you are dead.” Nass explains that her spellbook and familiar are still around and therefore she is bound to the place. The Prodigy send her to find an acient tomb. Arcturus doesnt seem to know about that. She was looking for “The Codacil of White” a book made by the servents of Auril the Frost Maiden for the The Arcane Brotherhood. It is in the Frost Maidens fortress across the ocean to the East. Spark says he saw a chisel on the ship a he wants to dive for it.
Everyone takes a short rest. Fionnlagh fell asleep and people discuss plans around him. Morn pats his head and he ssems to lean into it.
They decide to go and dive first and then go to solstice.
We go to the boat and take a long rest there. Nass is looking at Arcturus sleeping and remarks on how good looking he is. Jar is confused and asks “How do human lay eggs?”. The boat is on top of the ice and it takes two hours to get to a place of water again in search of the wreck.